Move virtual machine

You can move a virtual machine to a different location on the same host system or to a different host system. Usually, all of the files needed to run a virtual machine are stored in a single folder and can be quickly moved to another location. You can even move a virtual machine to a host system that runs a different operating system.

There are certain things you should be aware of before moving a virtual machine to a different host system:

  • the virtual machine might not work correctly on the new host if the new host has significantly different hardware, for example, if you move a virtual machine from a 64-bit host to a 32-bit host.
  • you can move a virtual machine from a 32-bit host to a 64-bit host, but cannot move a virtual machine from a 64-bit host to a 32-bit host unless the 32-bit host has a supported 64-bit processor.

Here are the steps move a virtual machine created in Oracle VirtualBox to a different host system:

  1. Verify that all virtual machine files are stored in the same virtual machine directory, since some files might reside outside of the virtual machine directory.
  2. Power off the virtual machine.
  3. Copy the virtual machine files to the new location. In this example we will copy the virtual machine files from the C:\VM\Windows7 directory on the host system and move them to the C:VM2\Windows7 directory on a different host system.


Source host system:

Moving a Virtual Machine

Destination host system:

moving oracle virtualbox virtaul machine

You can now double clik on the .vbox file and run virtual machine in Oracle VirtualBox.

Geek University 2022