whois command

You can use the whois command in Linux to find out information about a domain, such as the owner of the domain, the owner’s contact information, and the nameservers that the domain is using. For example, to find out domain information of linux-bible.com, we can use the following command:

linux whois command

Here is a brief description of the most important fields:

  • Registrar: LAUNCHPAD.COM, INC. – the company that registered the domain on behalf of the domain’s owner.
  • Name Servers: NS6175.HOSTGATOR.COM, NS6176.HOSTGATOR.COM – the servers that control the domain’s DNS.
  • Creation Date: 16 May 2014 – the date the domain was originally registered.
  • Expiration Date: 16 May 2015 – the date when the domain will expire.
  • Registrant Name, Address, City… : publicly accessible information of the domain owner.


The -H option omits the lengthy legal disclaimers that many domain registries deliver along with the domain information.
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