Create a log entry

To manually create a log entry in Linux, you can use the logger command. This command serves as an interface to the syslog system log module and it is commonly used in scripts. For example, a backup script might use the logger command to record details such as its start and stop times and the number of files it has backed up.

Here is a simple example:

linux logger command

By default, logger writes to /var/log/messages.


To record the process ID (PID) of the logger process along with other data, use the -i option:

linux logger log pid

To log the content of a file, use the -f option:

linux logger log file content

By default, logger includes its name in the log file as the tag. To change the tag, use the -t TAG option:

linux logger custom tag

To echo the message to standard error (the screen), as well as to /var/log/messages, use the -s option:

linux logger standard error

Geek University 2022