Motion detector
The Raspberry Pi camera module can take picture when a motion occurs, so you can use it for surveillance purposes. Here is how this can be done:
1. First, make sure that your Raspberry Pi is running the latest firmware by running the sudo rpi-update command:
2. If not already installed, install the picamera python module by using the sudo apt-get install python-picamera command in the terminal:
3. You will also need to install Python Imaging Library (PIL) to add image processing catabilities to your Python interpreter. This can be done by running the sudo apt-get install python-imaging-tk command in the terminal:
4. Now, copy the code on this link to the text editor of your choice: motion.txt
Make sure you get the right indentation of the code. Save the file with the extension .py.
5. Make the file executable by running the chmod +x FILENAME command:
6. Run the script with the python FILENAME command:
That’s it! Your Raspberry Pi should now detect motion and take a picture every time it happens.