Variable names

There are couple of rules you need to be aware of when naming your variables:

1. you can use only letters, numbers, and underscores in variables names.

This is a valid variable name:

Name_1 = 'Tuna'

This is not:

Name;_1 = 'Tuna'

2. variable name can not start with a number:


Name_1 = 'Tuna'


1_Name = 'Tuna'

3. spaces are not allowed in variable names (use underscores instead):


first_name = 'Tuna'


first name = 'Tuna'

4. don’t use Python keywords and function names as variable names.


print = 'Tuna'

5. your variable names should be short and descriptive.


first_name = 'Tuna'

Should not be used:

f_n = 'Tuna'

However, don’t go overboard. This would be an overkill:

first_name_of_a_person = 'Tuna'

6. variable names are case sensitive, e.g. these are two different variables:

first_name = 'Tuna'
First_Name = 'Tuna'
Geek University 2022