SQL DELETE statement

The SQL DELETE statement is used to delete one or more rows in a table. The syntax of this statement is:

DELETE FROM table_name WHERE some_column=’some-value’;

We will use the following table named Employees:

| employeeNumber | lastName  | firstName | extension | email
|              0 | Doe       | John      | x233333   | john@email.com
|           1002 | Murphy    | Diane     | x5800     | dmurphy@classicmodelcars.com
|           1056 | Patterson | Mary      | x4611     | mpatterso@classicmodelcars.com
|           1076 | Firrelli  | Jeff      | x9273     | jfirrelli@classicmodelcars.com
|           1088 | Patterson | William   | x4871     | wpatterson@classicmodelcars.com
|           1102 | Bondur    | Gerard    | x5408     | gbondur@classicmodelcars.com
|           1143 | Bow       | Anthony   | x5428     | abow@classicmodelcars.com
|           1165 | Jennings  | Leslie    | x3291     | ljennings@classicmodelcars.com
|           1166 | Thompson  | Leslie    | x4065     | lthompson@classicmodelcars.com
|           1188 | Firrelli  | Julie     | x2173     | jfirrelli@classicmodelcars.com
|           1216 | Patterson | Steve     | x4334     | spatterson@classicmodelcars.com
|           1286 | Tseng     | Foon Yue  | x2248     | ftseng@classicmodelcars.com
|           1323 | Vanauf    | George    | x4102     | gvanauf@classicmodelcars.com
|           1337 | Bondur    | Loui      | x6493     | lbondur@classicmodelcars.com
|           1370 | Hernandez | Gerard    | x2028     | ghernande@classicmodelcars.com
|           1401 | Castillo  | Pamela    | x2759     | pcastillo@classicmodelcars.com
|           1501 | Bott      | Larry     | x2311     | lbott@classicmodelcars.com
|           1504 | Jones     | Barry     | x102      | bjones@classicmodelcars.com
|           1611 | Fixter    | Andy      | x101      | afixter@classicmodelcars.com
|           1612 | Marsh     | Peter     | x102      | pmarsh@classicmodelcars.com
|           1619 | King      | Tom       | x103      | tking@classicmodelcars.com
|           1621 | Nishi     | Mami      | x101      | mnishi@classicmodelcars.com
|           1625 | Kato      | Yoshimi   | x102      | ykato@classicmodelcars.com
|           1702 | Gerard    | Martin    | x2312     | mgerard@classicmodelcars.com
|          17777 | Doe       | John      | x233333   | john@email.com

Suppose that John Doe has been fired and we need to delete his data from the table above.The following command performs can be used:

DELETE FROM employees WHERE firstName=’John’ AND lastName=’Doe’;

This would produce the following result:

| employeeNumber | lastName  | firstName | extension | email                           |
|           1002 | Murphy    | Diane     | x5800     | dmurphy@classicmodelcars.com    |
|           1056 | Patterson | Mary      | x4611     | mpatterso@classicmodelcars.com  |
|           1076 | Firrelli  | Jeff      | x9273     | jfirrelli@classicmodelcars.com  |
|           1088 | Patterson | William   | x4871     | wpatterson@classicmodelcars.com |
|           1102 | Bondur    | Gerard    | x5408     | gbondur@classicmodelcars.com    |
|           1143 | Bow       | Anthony   | x5428     | abow@classicmodelcars.com       |
|           1165 | Jennings  | Leslie    | x3291     | ljennings@classicmodelcars.com  |
|           1166 | Thompson  | Leslie    | x4065     | lthompson@classicmodelcars.com  |
|           1188 | Firrelli  | Julie     | x2173     | jfirrelli@classicmodelcars.com  |
|           1216 | Patterson | Steve     | x4334     | spatterson@classicmodelcars.com |
|           1286 | Tseng     | Foon Yue  | x2248     | ftseng@classicmodelcars.com     |
|           1323 | Vanauf    | George    | x4102     | gvanauf@classicmodelcars.com    |
|           1337 | Bondur    | Loui      | x6493     | lbondur@classicmodelcars.com    |
|           1370 | Hernandez | Gerard    | x2028     | ghernande@classicmodelcars.com  |
|           1401 | Castillo  | Pamela    | x2759     | pcastillo@classicmodelcars.com  |
|           1501 | Bott      | Larry     | x2311     | lbott@classicmodelcars.com      |
|           1504 | Jones     | Barry     | x102      | bjones@classicmodelcars.com     |
|           1611 | Fixter    | Andy      | x101      | afixter@classicmodelcars.com    |
|           1612 | Marsh     | Peter     | x102      | pmarsh@classicmodelcars.com     |
|           1619 | King      | Tom       | x103      | tking@classicmodelcars.com      |
|           1621 | Nishi     | Mami      | x101      | mnishi@classicmodelcars.com     |
|           1625 | Kato      | Yoshimi   | x102      | ykato@classicmodelcars.com      |
|           1702 | Gerard    | Martin    | x2312     | mgerard@classicmodelcars.com    |
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